
Rasse | Hannoveraner |
Geschlecht | gekörter Hengst |
Geburtsdatum | 2004 |
Stockmaß | ca. 171 cm |
Farbe | Braun |
Lebensnummer | DE 431319731104 |
Züchter | Zuchthof Dree Böken |
Vulkano | Voltaire | Furioso II |
Gogo Moeve | ||
Pretoria | Pit I | |
Granada | ||
Goethes Roeschen | Goethe | Grosso Z |
Madonna | ||
Carmen | Calypso II | |
Wildrose |
Weitere Informationen
Licensed stallion in Verden/Germany, son of Vulkano FRH. Vesuv was elected premium stallion at the licensing. Today he is located in Bremen, commited to sports and breeding.